Manual Link Building: Building Blocks for Search… | Get Me Links

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Manual Link Building: Building Blocks for Search Engine Success

Global cta alex

Written by

Alejandro Meyerhans

Published on

29 March 2024

Last Updated on

07 May 2024

11 minutes read


Is your website lost in the vast ocean of the internet?

Manual link building is your lighthouse, guiding more visitors to your shore by creating visible paths directly to you.

It's about making your site a beacon, attracting traffic, and enhancing your online presence with strategic, meaningful connections.

In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of building these bridges, show you how to identify potential link partners, and teach you how to reach out effectively.

You'll learn how to select the right spots for your links, ensuring they not only boost your SEO but also add value to your visitors' experience.

What Is Manual Link Building?

Manual link building is all about you getting hands-on to boost your website's spot on search engine rankings.

It's not about spamming the internet with random links.

Instead, it's about choosing the right spots to place your links, making sure they make sense and help your site.

Think of it as making friends online.

You wouldn't just randomly add people.

You'd look for folks who share your interests or values.

That's what manual link building does—it helps you connect with other relevant and beneficial sites, like writing guest posts, networking with influencers, or joining conversations on blogs.

You're the boss in this process.

You decide where your links go and how they're placed, ensuring every link is a step toward making your site more visible and credible.

Yes, it takes more effort than just letting a robot do it, but the results are worth it.

Automatic vs. Manual Link Building: What Is the Difference?

The difference between automatic and manual link building is how they each handle the art of connecting your website to the rest of the web.

With automatic link building, it's all about speed.

Software churns out links at a rapid pace, but here's the twist: it's a bit like throwing darts in the dark.

You don't get to choose where your links land, which can be a bit of a gamble.

Imagine your link popping up on a site that's not quite reputable – not the best look, right?

This is where you might bump into trouble with Google, as it's not too fond of links that seem spammy or out of place.

Now, let's shift gears to manual link building.

This method is all about building meaningful, quality connections that align perfectly with your site's content.

It's a slower process, sure, but the level of control and precision it offers is unbeatable.

Google gives a big thumbs up to this approach, as it loves seeing links that are relevant and thoughtfully placed.

So, while the allure of quick results with automatic linking is tempting, it's the steady, mindful approach of manual linking that wins the race in the long run.

What Are Manual Link Building Techniques?

1. Build Professional Relationships

Your journey with link-building begins with reaching out and connecting with others in your field.

The key to securing high-quality backlinks is to foster organic relationships with authoritative websites and individuals who share an interest in your niche.

But how do you do this?

It's about providing value, whether through social shares, engaging comments, or linking to their content when it makes sense.

Think of these relationships as a two-way street.

If you offer something valuable to your new connections, there's a good chance they'll reciprocate by linking back to your site, guiding their audience your way.

Helping each other out is the essence of building these professional networks.

Remember, the approach here is to be courteous and personable.

No one likes to feel pressured, so if a potential connection isn't ready to link to your site, don't push it.

2. Provide Endorsements and Reviews

In the world of business, glowing reviews are like gold.

They boost your reputation and cement your status as an industry authority.

Take, for instance, the power of a positive review on a high-domain authority site like Trustpilot.

Such a review goes beyond mere validation; it acts as a magnet, drawing potential customers to discover your offerings.

This is where a clever manual link-building strategy kicks in writing endorsements and reviews for other businesses.

This tactic goes beyond just giving compliments; it's a strategic move to broaden your network and foster reciprocal relationships.

When you've crafted a positive review for another company, requesting a backlink to your site in exchange is a natural next step.

This method is not only cost-effective but also an excellent way to fortify industry connections.

And who knows?

The favor might be returned, and your business could enjoy a glowing review, too.

3. Write Guest Posts

Guest posting is a bit of a daunting task.

Yes, crafting high-quality content takes time and effort, but the rewards?

Absolutely worth it.

So, what is guest blogging?

It's when you write articles for other websites that are open to content from outside contributors.

Within these articles, you get the chance to include links back to your website.

Consider submitting your guest posts to platforms like OutBrain and Dotdash Meredith, which are known for accepting external content.

Not only does your article become a strategic spot for your link, but it also boosts your reputation, positioning you as a thought leader or industry expert.

Plus, having your link on esteemed guest blogging sites builds trust with search engines, reflecting positively on your website.

It's a mutual benefit: you gain valuable backlinks, and the hosting site enriches its content offering.

Guest Blogging Pro-Tips:

  • Pick sites that resonate with your vibe and expertise. Relevance is key.

  • Your article should be a treasure trove of value, not a sneaky sales pitch.

  • Pour excellence into your writing. If crafting words isn't your forte, team up with someone who can polish your prose to perfection.

4. Implement the Skyscraper Technique

The Skyscraper Technique is like giving a content makeover; it's about taking a good topic and turning it into something amazing.

You dive into an existing subject and ask yourself, "How can I do this better?"

Maybe you add more up-to-date information, sprinkle in some engaging multimedia, or offer fresh insights no one else has thought of.

Your mission is to craft something so valuable and comprehensive that it overshadows the original.

Once your stellar content is ready to shine, it's time to showcase it.

Reach out to the folks who've linked to similar content in the past.

Show them your new version, and illustrate why it's a cut above what they've previously supported.

By presenting a piece that's simply too good to ignore, you're not just asking for backlinks; you're offering a treasure trove of value.

And when people see how much more beneficial your content is compared to what they've used before, they're likely to switch their links to your piece.

5. Repair and Replace Broken Links

Broken link building is a bit like being a digital handyman.

You're on the lookout for broken or dead links on websites relevant to your niche.

When you spot one, you reach out to the site's webmaster, point out the broken link, and offer your content as the perfect fix.

It's key to highlight how your content is not just a replacement but an upgrade—more relevant, more valuable, and just what their audience needs.

However, think of this strategy as a targeted mission rather than a broad campaign.

Searching for these broken links is no small task.

It demands a keen eye and a lot of patience, as you'll be combing through pages to find links that don't work anymore and are a good fit for your content.

6. Add Your Site to Reliable Citations Sites

Citation sites act like online yellow pages, showcasing details about businesses such as their name, address, phone number, and a link to their website.

These platforms are seen as trustworthy by search engines, which is why they're great spots for getting backlinks.

You'll find these valuable sites in various forms—general directories, industry-focused hubs, and local business listings.

You can kick things off by identifying the top citation sites that align with your business's field.

Also, aim for those with high domain authority, a stellar reputation, and a solid base of users.

7. Engage with Industry Influencers

In the buzzing world of Instagram and TikTok, your brand needs to get cozy with influencers.

They're not just people; they're gateways to vast audiences, ready to see what you've got.

Sure, some influencers ask for a fee to showcase your backlinks, but guess what?

Others might just do it for a cool perk from you—like trying out your latest product or rocking some stylish branded gear.

Think of it as a friendly exchange—a you-scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours kind of deal.

8. Create and Share Top-Notch Press Releases

Press releases crammed with too many keywords can backfire, turning from helpful to harmful.

Some brands use them mainly to sneak in lots of backlinks, but this can go wrong if it's not done with care.

The true value of a press release is to spread the word about something exciting and newsworthy, not just to stack up backlinks.

To use press releases the right way, focus on sharing content that's genuinely interesting and important.

If you get this right, your news can naturally earn backlinks as it gets picked up and shared by publishers, journalists, and influencers.

But beware, stuffing your press release with too many keywords can get you in trouble with Google, recognizing those links as forced or unnatural.

So, when you're putting together a press release, make sure it's about sharing real news and information that matters.

How to Choose the Right Manual Link Building Service Provider?

As we've navigated through the nuances of manual link building, it's clear that picking the right service provider is key.

Here's how you can ensure you're teaming up with the best in the business for your unique needs.

  • Experience and Expertise: Choose a provider with a solid history and a wealth of experience in manual link building. They should be well-versed in your industry, ready to tackle its specific challenges and capitalize on its opportunities.

  • Quality of Backlinks: Dive into the quality and types of links they offer. They must focus on securing links that are not just numerous but also relevant, authoritative, and in sync with your business objectives.

  • Ethical Strategies: Make sure your chosen provider is committed to white hat techniques. Steering clear of any black hat shortcuts is vital, as these can damage your website's reputation and attract penalties from search engines.

  • Tailored Approaches: The best providers don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions. They should be eager to understand your business inside out, customizing their strategies to fit your specific goals, audience, and industry landscape.

  • Reputation and Reviews: Do some detective work on their reputation. What do their clients say? A peek at their reviews, online presence, and how they present themselves on social media can give you a good sense of their credibility and effectiveness.

  • Value and ROI: Consider their pricing, but always in the context of the value they bring to the table. It's about finding a balance where the cost aligns with the potential to boost your SEO success.


What Is Manual Link Building?

Manual link building is the process of strategically placing links to your website on other sites, focusing on relevance and quality rather than automated mass distribution.

What Is a Manual Backlink?

A manual backlink is a link to your website that is deliberately placed on another site, emphasizing strategic placement and the value of the link's context.

How to Do Link Building Step by Step?

To do link building, start by creating valuable content, then identify relevant websites, reach out for link placement opportunities, and monitor your links' impact on your site's SEO.

What Is the Link Building?

Link building is the practice of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own, a fundamental strategy to improve your site's visibility and ranking in search engines.


Looking ahead, manual link building will remain a cornerstone of effective SEO strategies, adapting to the ever-evolving digital landscape.

By staying committed to this approach, your website is well-positioned to thrive amid the tides of change in search engine algorithms.

And if you need help navigating these waters, our team is here to assist.

So, don't hesitate to reach out for expert guidance in crafting a manual link-building strategy that's tailored to your site's unique needs.

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